Friday, April 3, 2009

Randomness from a sleep deprived mind right before crashing

Recent events and friends of mine have reminded me it is essential for a balanced state to have certain essential needs met. But what one person needs is different from what another person needs. And by needs I'm not talking about those required for survival but items, qualities, characteristics, environments, etc. required in order to obtain a healthy balanced life emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritual.

For me, one of those needs is touch. And I am very much not getting that need met as of late. Hugs are nice. Cuddling with the child does help some. But I am talking intentional, purposeful touch. It could be through massage or piling with a group of friends to watch a movie, or laying in bed late one morning in order just to be together. I have noticed the shift in my behavior and small changes in my way of thinking when I am deprived of that touch. I crave it and it makes me edgy when I don't get it, and even more skittish when there is the possibility that I might. Contradictory to that though, I have a hard time relaxing into it because I don't know when it will be taken away from me again.

So that got me thinking, if this is how I feel without touch, how is it with the soldiers and families coming home? How do the spouses feel and react? Do the do the same as I; do they want it so badly they want to dive into it but are too scared because the soldier may have to leave again and...well it is a vicious cycle. What about the soldiers? My opinion is that touch with another human is a natural instinct that society tries to place stigmas on at times. This is especially true in the military. No PDA allowed.

I am going to have to pull out my research paper I did while in school on Massage for PTSD. It was on my other computer that crashed. I think I have my notes and a hard copy somewhere. Someone remind me in the morning. I'll have to write more on this when my mind is recovered from no sleep.

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